
The "DPR" got engaged in the identification of books in libraries with a negative attitude towards Russia and glorification of the OUN-UPA 06/29/2016 20:19:57. Total views 928. Views today — 0.

Work to identify the books relating to glorification of the OUN-UPA and negative attitude to Russia is held in libraries in the occupied part of Donetsk region. It is reported by the separatist DAN website.

It is noted that a round table was held in Donetsk occupied by militants on the topic "Development and adoption of a comprehensive plan to counter the ideology of extremism and terrorism in the Donetsk People's Republic".

The so-called "Deputy Minister of Culture" in the pseudo republic Olga Kobets noted that "an important part in the prevention of extremism is patriotic upbringing and teaching respect to history, heroism of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War."

"Work is currently carried out in the republic's libraries on the identification of materials containing elements of extremism, which can be in the library collections. Today 266 of such books have been found. These are distortion of historical facts and glorification of the OUN-UPA, negative attitude towards Russia and other," - said Kobets.