
The OSCE unmasked "DPR" militants’ lie on their "snipers" in Shyrokino 06/30/2016 23:30:04. Total views 1118. Views today — 2.

The occupation administration of separate districts of Donetsk region (SDDR) lied that the Ukrainian military detained 8 militants near Shyrokino on June 27th were allegedly engaged in mine clearing that was coordinated with the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission. It is stated in the comments of the OSCE SMM posted on the Mission page on Facebook, - reports Ukrinform.

"In response to allegations about operations on June 27th in the Shyrokino area, allegedly conducted in agreement with or on the recommendation of the SMM: The OSCE SMM did NOT receive any information, from the JCCC or anyone else about de-mining work or requests to monitor such work on June 27th in the area of Shyrokino," – says the report.

It is also noted that SMM reported their observations in a daily report " available in three languages."

"Also, the Mission did NOT task or suggest to any side on that day to undertake any specific operation on checking the ceasefire. Given the role of the OSCE SMM – in providing impartial and credible information on specific incidents and on the general security situation on the ground – the Mission urges the sides to refrain from making erroneous and deceptive statements," - said the statement.

As reported, on June 27th, 2016 as a result of successful operations of the ATO forces to neutralize subversive groups in the area of ​​Vodyanoye (3-4 km from Shyrokino) captured 8 militans of the "5th infantry company of the 2nd infantry battalion of the 9th separate motorized rifle regiment of the marine assault corps" (Novoazovsk) of the 1st Army Corps of the Armed Forces (formed on the territory of the "DPR"). 2 more fighters who maintained armed resistance were killed.

Enemy group found by Ukrainian military during patrolling position shifted its position by 2.5 km from the boundary line specified by the Minsk Agreements towards the ATO forces and conducted engineering construction of new positions and mining of approaches to them.

The report recalls that the main promoter of the Donetsk militants Eduard Basurin, who makes daily speeches of false "reports" on the operational situation, said that the detained group of militants was "a separate ашудв engineer unit" which allegedly "conducted a planned mine clearance in coordination with the OSCE mission" .