
The "mayor" of occupied Mariupol unconvincingly promised residents they would be settled in apartments seized from their fellow citizens 05/29/2024 12:17:29. Total views 449. Views today — 1.

Oleg Morgun, the "mayor" of occupied Mariupol, promised residents that they would be moved into apartments that were declared "ownerless" and confiscated from their rightful owners. He wrote this on his Telegram channel.

"I answered residents' questions during a personal reception", - he reported.

According to the head of the occupational administration, starting Monday, the "department for citizen registration and housing provision resumed issuing orders for compensation apartments in new buildings". These will be distributed in the order of the queue.

However, it is likely that there won't be enough such housing to accommodate all the residents of Mariupol who lost their homes due to russian aggression. Therefore, Morgun "reassured" the homeless residents of Mariupol with a promise to "issue... apartments from the stock of ownerless housing taken into municipal ownership".

This promise was not substantiated. The "mayor" stated that allegedly "normative legal acts are being developed at the highest level". which will allow providing housing confiscated from Mariupol residents who left the occupation zone as compensation.