
"For what?" Lavrov refused to apologize for the MH17 crash 09/30/2016 19:04:45. Total views 1272. Views today — 0.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov refused to apologize for the death of MH17 flight in connection with the report of the international commission, according to which, Buk missile system, from which shot the plane was downed, arrived in Donbass from Russia and then was taken back, reports BBC.

"To apologize for that?" - He asked in response to the proposal of the BBC presenter Stephen Sakura to apology in connection with the information made public by the Commission.

According to the Minister, Russia will wait for the final results of the investigation because it is not finished yet. "There are a hundred names found in the investigation, but they are not even considered as suspects," - he added.

Lavrov said that Russia had made public and gave the commission a huge amount of data on the crash, but received no response. At the same time, according to the Minister, the data, that the Commission had received from Ukraine and the United States, were not made public.