
The deputies imposed a punishment for the propaganda of the St. George ribbon - a fine or 15 days 05/16/2017 18:25:20. Total views 917. Views today — 3.

The Verkhovna Rada has imposed punishment in the form of administrative arrest for up to 15 days for the production and propaganda of the St. George ribbon. 238 deputies with the minimum required 226 voted for the adoption of the draft law No 2987, - Ukrainski Novyny reports.

The document provides that the public use, demonstration or wearing of St. George ribbon provides for the imposition of a fine from 50 to 150 times the individual income tax exemption ($32-96) or administrative arrest for up to 15 days with the ribbon confiscation.

Repeated propaganda of St. George ribbon provides for the same sanctions, but the fine for this offense can be up to 300 times the individual income tax exemption ($193).

Provisions of the new article of the Code on Administrative Offenses do not apply to the use of the St. George ribbon on documents of state bodies issued before 1991; in the expositions of museums; on the originals of war flags; on the state awards which were awarded before 1991 and throughout 1991-2015 in connection with the anniversaries of the events of World War II; on tomb groups.