
Tuesday results in the occupied territories of Donbass. The highlights 07/19/2017 11:29:12. Total views 1169. Views today — 0.

Media: "Representatives of the DNR, the LNR and 19 regions of Ukraine announced the creation of Malorossia state on July 18. The Constitutional act of the new state was read at a meeting of delegates in the occupied Donetsk by the acting deputy chairman of the Council of Ministers of the DNR Alexander Timofeev. "We, representatives of regions of former "Ukraine" (with the exception of Crimea) declare the establishment of a new state, which would be the successor to "Ukraine". We agree that the new state shall be called Malorossia, as the very name of "Ukraine" has discredited itself", — the constitutional act said. According to the document, Donetsk should become the capital of the new state".

"The chairman of the People's Council of the DNR" Denis Pushylin: "The creation of Malorossia state formation could be an interesting initiative. But, in my opinion, it is more correct to bring up such questions for parliament's and all-people's referendum's discussion. The question is controversial, and we need to know the opinion of society".

"The chairman of the People's Council of the LNR" Vladimir Degtiarenko: "The Luhansk People's Republic did not send its official delegates to Donetsk to participate in the meeting of representatives of the Ukrainian regions. Moreover, we were not even aware of the intention to host this event. This issue was not coordinated with us. At the moment, the expediency of such a step raises serious doubts".

Media: "The press service of the administration of the head of the LNR denied the participation of official representatives of the LNR at a meeting of delegates in Donetsk on July 18, where it was announced the creation of a new state – Malorossia. The participation of representatives of the LNR was indicated in this meeting. The Luhansk People's Republic did not send official representatives to participate in the consideration of creation of Malorossia. This project was not even discussed with the LNR. The Luhansk People's Republic was created as a result of the will of people, and we have no right to take such steps without taking into account the opinion of residents of the republic".

"The authorized representative of the LNR" at the Minsk negotiations Vladislav Danego: "The initiative to create Malorossia, announced in Donetsk, is not well-timed. We learned about it from the media, and nobody discussed this project with us".

Media: "The first deputy head of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission Alexander Hug got acquainted with the work of the refurbished LNR checkpoint near Stanytsia Luhanska. Hug inspected new canopy with benches, where up to a thousand people could shelter from the heat and bad weather. He also had a face-to-face conversation with the ambulance crew that was on duty there, asked the residents about changes in the work of checkpoint after increasing its capacity in checking documents".

"Luhansk City Administration": "The administration of Luhansk informs the population that, in connection with the increased security measures, it is necessary to have a passport or other identity document in order to visit the city administration building. On the basis of the document, a pass will be issued to the visitor".

"Donetsk City Administration": "On July 18, the acting head of the administration of Donetsk Alexey Kulemzin held another operational meeting. The first issue on the agenda was the question of mowing weeds and quarantine grasses in the summertime".

"The LNR Ministry of Industry and Trade": "The garment manufacturers of the LNR have already produced 1600 school uniforms for first-graders".

"The LNR Ministry of State Security": "The Ministry of State Security of the LNR documented the collection of information about strategic and city-forming enterprises of the republic by the special services of Ukraine. The information, which is a state secret, is obtained by the SBU by recruiting employees of the enterprises crossing the line of demarcation".

"The LNR Prosecutor General's Office": "The LNR Prosecutor's Office of the Lutuhynskyi District verified compliance with the current legislation in the sphere of spending budget funds. It was established that officials of one of the state budget educational institutions of the district had signed an agreement with a private enterprise in 2016 for running repair and maintenance of a school bus to the amount of $840. However, the school bus was not actually repaired. The prosecutor's office instituted criminal proceedings on the fact of embezzlement of the budget funds by officials of the general education school with the use of their official position".