
"Malorossian" leader of the "DNR" went back on his word: "Final decisions have not yet been taken" 07/27/2017 11:22:52. Total views 1330. Views today — 2.

The leader of the so-called "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko states that "final decisions regarding the possibility of creating a new state formation as part of the Donbass and regions of Ukraine have not yet been made". This is reported by DAN Donetsk separatist agency.

"Final decisions have not yet been made, but, most importantly, the discussion will be continued", - the agency quotes Zakharchenko.

"We did not create a new state, we proposed a discussion and made our proposition", - the leader of the "DNR" stated without even mentioning the name "Malorossia".

He assures that "in just a week, a huge number of responses, comments and propositions was received from not indifferent people from all over Ukraine".

According to Zakharchenko, "the idea of creating a new state has received ambiguous responses: in particular, opinions differ regarding the location of the capital, the state symbols, as well as the structure, format and location of the legitimate constitutional assembly with representatives of Ukraine's oblasts".

Let us recall that in fact, on July 18, 2017, the "DNR" announced "the establishment of a new state of Malorossia, which is the legal successor of Ukraine". However, after a negative reaction from the Kremlin and even from the separatists of the "LNR", the "DNR" had changed its position and started to talk only about the "initiative of the discussion on the creation of a new state".