
National TV Council to check Inter channel concerning the breakup of Ukraine 05/11/2018 15:35:36. Total views 1131. Views today — 0.

On May 11, the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council has considered monitoring results of the Inter TV channel broadcast for May 9 and appointed an unscheduled inspection. This is reported by UNIAN with reference to the words of chairman of the National Council of Yuriy Artemenko.

"The regulator received numerous letters, in particular the appeal of the Department for the Protection of National Statehood of the Security Service of Ukraine, complaints from citizens, as well as a statement of a political party, which say that the content of the Inter TV channel broadcast, namely "The Victory. One for all" concert, humiliates the dignity of citizens of Ukraine, stirs up discord and calls for undermining the territorial integrity of the state", - the statement said.

In this regard, the National Council will check the TV channel for compliance with the requirements of the law and will take a respective decision.

As previously reported, in the preview of the Victory Day concert on May 9, the presenters told the audience that "today, we cannot allow the streets of our cities to be named after the fascist criminals, and their portraits to be carried with impunity during torchlight processions in our capital, where every meter was blood-soaked by our compatriots".

The presenters of the concert had in mind that in the course of decommunization, a number of streets, avenues and squares in Ukraine were given new names. Some of them bear the names of leaders of the nationalist movement, such as head of the OUN Stepan Bandera, commander of the UPA Roman Shukhevych and others. Russian propaganda and the fifth column in Ukraine, drawing attention to individual episodes of the activity of structures headed by these nationalists, accuses Bandera and Shukhevych of collaborating with the fascists, ignoring their role in the national liberation movement of the Ukrainian people.

On the eve of the Day of Remembrance and Reconciliation on May 8 and Victory Day on May 9, the National Council appealed to the broadcasters not to broadcast the content that splits the society. However, Inter did not remove the fragment about the streets of Ukraine, bearing the name of "fascist criminals", what caused a large negative response.