
Non-governmental organizations will come to Cabinet to demand additional funding of housing program for IDPs 06/26/2018 15:58:16. Total views 1217. Views today — 0.

Non-governmental organizations dealing with the problems of internally displaced persons are asking the government to support the additional funding of the Affordable Housing program for this year. This is stated in a joint statement posted on the CF Right to Protection's website.

"We, non-governmental organizations, including the All-Ukrainian Association of IDPs, myhomeua and CF Right to Protection charitable organization, call on the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine to support the initiative on additional funding of the Affordable Housing program in 2018 in the amount of $34.4 million. Thus, the total budget of the program for 2018 will be $38.2 million, what will help in solving the housing problem of about 4 thousand displaced persons and ATO participants", - the statement said.

It is noted that Law of Ukraine No.1954 of March 16, 2017 "On Amending Article 4 of the Law of Ukraine "On Preventing the Impact of Global Financial Crisis on the Development of Construction Industry and Housing Construction" on the Implementation of State Housing Programs" provides for state support for the purchase of housing for ATO participants and internally displaced persons in the amount of 50% of the cost of housing. Already on September 20, 2017, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted Resolution No.708 "On Amendments to the Procedures Approved by Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 11, 2009 No.140 and February 29, 2012 No.193", what provided the conditions for functioning of the Affordable Housing state program.

As of today, this program is in fact the only way to get state support for solving the housing problem of the above-mentioned categories.

In 2017, upon the initiative of the State Fund for the Promotion of Youth Housing Construction, $1.15 million was allocated for the implementation of the Affordable Housing program. Approximately 100 families were able to conclude agreements for the purchase of housing.

"For 2018, the state budget of Ukraine provides for $3.8 million to finance the program throughout Ukraine and for all categories of citizens who have problems with housing. Firstly, despite the fact that the budget was adopted in December 2017, currently the funds are not transferred in the State Fund for the Promotion of Youth Housing Construction. This does not allow the proper functioning of the program. Secondly, $3.8 million allocated for 2018 are not enough to help in solving the housing problem of displaced persons and ATO participants. $3.8 million will provide housing for about 300 people", - the statement said.

At the same time, according to the Ministry of Social Policy, 1 512 755 people were registered as internally displaced persons as of June 25, 2018. Four years after the beginning of the conflict, the housing problem remains extremely pressing for these categories of citizens, - the activists emphasize.

Non-governmental organizations note that buying apartments under the principle of 50/50 will really help in providing housing for a certain part of IDPs and ATO participants. Therefore, the amount of $38.2 million is well-founded.

"Non-governmental organizations and citizens who plan to participate in the Affordable Housing program are concerned about the lack of funding for the program and delay in launching it. In this regard, a rally demanding that the Affordable Housing program be subsidized will be held on June 27", - the statement said.