
Ex-commander of militants told about scale of Horlivka looting by occupation authorities 07/12/2018 16:30:01. Total views 1389. Views today — 2.

Former commander of the Horlivka militants, now driven from the "DNR" and dwelling in the occupied Crimea, Igor Bezler states the looting of factories and mines in CDDO by the occupation authorities. He wrote about this in one of the social networks.

Bezler states that he recently visited the occupied territory of Donetsk oblast, but he prefers not to mention the date of his trip.

He described his impressions in social networks, stressing that "the lies of local media" and submission of information by Russian media "does not reflect the reality".

Bezler states that all the mines in Horlivka and Yenakiieve were still in a working order on November 1, 2014. "At the moment, the blunt and incompetent leadership of the DNR has done everything to make these enterprises destroyed. I do not know about what million tons of coal brainless Zakharchenko told, but the mine equipment is cut for metal, as well as mining cables, main fan units, bore-hole pumps for overdraft of groundwater and poppetheads",- the former leader of the Horlivka militants wrote.

According to him, Corum Horlivka Machine Building Plant (formerly - Kirov Plant) was "flatly plundered". It had components for several roadheading machines and one roadheader assembled at the end of October 2014. "The cost of finished products amounted to several tens of millions of dollars… All the metal was also taken from the metal warehouse to an unknown destination by these newly appeared nouveaux riches. A crane was driven from Stirol and flatly taken out. The same Granovskiy (fake "minister of industry and trade of the DNR" Alexander Granovskiy – ed.) directed this action by order of idiot Zakharchenko (leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko – ed.). The equipment from the Model shop was completely taken out to an unknown direction. In truth, the workers said that Granovskiy and his gang were going to take everything out to Yasynuvata Machine Building Plant. This is weird, but what Horlivka Machine Building Plant produced was not possible for Yasynuvata Machine Building Plant", - Bezler wrote.

According to him, 45 thousand tons of coal that were in Yenakiieve and Horlivka disappeared without a trace.

523 corps of the Stirol plant was plundered as well: according to Bezler, 800 kg of platinum gauze disappeared. "This is expensive gauze designed for the main production of Stirol. When the platinum gauze was taken, the workers were told that it would be safer to keep it in Donetsk. We would like to ask, you, the cattle, have kept this gauze? If yes, then you can easily show it people… But I am afraid that the management freaks have sold everything a long time ago, spent on drink, bought Bentayga and houses in Siedove with boats, like the same Timofieyev (fake "minister of incomes and fees of the DNR" Alexander Timofieyev – ed.)", - the former commander of the Horlivka militants wrote, adding that information he voiced is just "the top of the iceberg".