
"DNR" came up with a Ukrainian saboteur who wanted to burn all ballots for Pushilin with an alarm clock 11/21/2018 15:15:21. Total views 862. Views today — 3.

The fake "Ministry of State Security" of the "DNR" announced the arrest of a "Ukrainian saboteur" who allegedly planned to burn all the ballots in pseudo-elections on November 11. This was stated by press officer of the occupation intelligence service Mikhail Popov.

He told a fantastic story about how "the agent of Ukraine's security service was detained on the "election day" in the back room of one of the "polling stations" while transferring an incendiary device to a member of the commission. He, in turn, should have placed the device in a container with ballots".

Supposedly, the device equipped with an electric fuse and timer should have fired after the said container was transported to the "Central Electoral Commission", as a result of what a large-scale fire would start.

Reporting on the prevention of "terrorist attack", the "Ministry of State Security" stated that they trailed the imagined SBU agent by the fact that "in the chat of the Telegram messenger... during the communication, he spoke quite negatively in relation to the DNR in general and election in particular".

The primitive technology of the allegedly neutralized by the "Ministry of State Security" device sets wondering. In fact, an antediluvian electromechanical alarm clock with wires sticking out of it appears as a proof in the photo and video presented by the occupational intelligence service.


In addition, the question why the "member of the election commission", allegedly also recruited by the SBU, could not bring this alarm clock to the "polling station" by himself, but invited an outsider to the back room ignoring all conspiracy rules, remains without answer.