
"We have got a strategy." Klimkin told about two directions of Ukraine's actions to return Crimea 02/26/2016 20:28:52. Total views 1180. Views today — 1.

Ukraine's strategy to return Crimea consists of two basic parts - politico-diplomatic and informational. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavel Klimkin said that in the programme The right to power on the 1 + 1 TV channel on Thursday night, - reportsInterfax-Ukraine.

"We have got a strategy," - said P.Klimkin.

According to him, the first part of the plan is political and diplomatic: it is support for the unity and solidarity of the civilized world with Ukraine, support for non-recognition policy of occupation of Crimea and support of sanctions against Russia.

This also comprises work with all the world countries and civil society "to establish a clear pressure on Russia in order to prevent human rights violations."

He noted that, at the same time, pressure should be put on Russia in the framework of international conventions: Convention on the Law of Sea, Convention on the Fight against Terrorism, as well as support for the Ukrainian companies that are suing in arbitration for damages resulting from the annexation of Crimea.

The second element of the strategy, said P.Klimkin, is informational.

"The residents of Crimea are under influence of fierce propaganda, we must show them by our example, that their future is in European democratic Ukraine but not in the Crimea under Russian temporary occupation, where they can only go to nowhere," - expressed the Minister his opinion.