People's deputy candidate Oleh Lyashko has admitted his defeat in the midterm election and stated that his victory was stolen from him with the help of administrative resources. He wrote this on his Facebook.
"We won the election in constituency 208, but lost because of the bribery and government corruption", - the candidate writes.
"According to the CEC, the abnormally high turnout of 50% in this constituency was 1.5 times (!) higher than the national average. This proves a large-scale voter bribery network in the constituency. All opinion polls on the eve of the election (Rating, Socis) gave me a resounding victory, but the bribing of voters had radically distorted the results of this election", - Oleh Lyashko says.
"Candidate from the government Hunko bought 50% of the constituency's voters, as well as the mandate of the People's Deputy in a corrupt manner", - he states.
"We won the election, but the government and its candidate stole people's right to free choice. Therefore, we do not recognize the results of these bought and paid for elections, demand a fair investigation and punishment of all those involved in large-scale bribery of voters of constituency 208" - the candidate sums up.
Meanwhile, according to the results of counting 25.62% of ballots, Oleh Lyashko got the upper hand - 33.03% of voters (3623 people) voted for him. Candidate from Servant of the People Anatoliy Hunko gained 33.01% of votes (3620 people).