
"LNR" miners send "New Year's" letters to Pasechnik and "prosecutors" 12/28/2018 14:38:05. Total views 1723. Views today — 0.

Miners of the Partyzanska Mine in Antratsyt, occupied by pro-Russian militants of the "LNR", were outraged by total lack of money and wage arrears in mid-November. The protest resulted in an attempt to organize a strike. As a result, the most objectionable and hungry miner activists consisting of four "victims" were simply fired so as not to disturb the already hectic atmosphere. Before the dismissal, they were taken out to dig holes at the cold night listening to stories about the future of their families. The conflict did not reach its limits, and now it is possible to reckon leader of the "LNR" Leonid Pasechnik, and "chief prosecutor" Sergey Gorenko among the protagonists of the likely continuation of coal "performance".

Initially, many users of social networks and news agencies put forward suggestions that the miners brought the conflict "in public" after reading local separatist newspapers and really believing in the "nationality of the republic", and possibly, being desperate to get at least some money privily. The miners did not take into account one thing – they have no rights at large in the "LNR" since 2014.

"Our husbands got together and staged a strike at the mine, demanding payment of salary for 3 months, but all they got – promises, again! 3 days left, it is around 3 a.m., we are sleeping, but wake up from the fact that someone knocks out our door, children cry, I scream, my husband is appalled! As a result, people in camouflage and masks knocked out the door and hit my husband in his face right off the bat My girls were weeping, I grabbed the younger one from the bed and the older one fell on the husband and shouted don't hit my daddy, kill me! Eventually, the husband was taken away, and he was absent for about 4 hours, the older one fainted, I just saved her! They took him in his underwear at a temperature of -2, they took out several people who were taking part in the strike out of town, gave them shovels and forced them to dig holes, and while they were digging holes, they told what they would do to their wives and children! As a result, they were set free, they walked to the city on foot in the cold, there were no one around because the curfew! The husband came with a wan gaze covered with blood", - journalist Denis Kazanskiy quoted the post of wife of one of the strikers in his blog.

Later, an order was issued by the leadership of the mine about the dismissal of unreliable strikers. This information was also confirmed by human rights activist Pavel Lisianskiy, former employee of the Partyzanska Mine - before the outbreak of armed conflict in the Luhansk oblast. The human rights activist reported about the dismissal of people, referring to personal contacts at the enterprise.

"They decided to dismiss the miners after the so-called "LNR" election in order not to create the protest moods". The leadership of the mine accused the shaft man, operative and two overseers of creating an emergency situation", - Lisianskiy wrote in his Facebook.

Also, a photo of the relevant "order" about dismissal was distributed by the group "Sverdlovsk - you should know this" in the Russian social network.

"At the end of the 3rd and 4th work shifts on October 29, workers of division No.5, at notified the mining dispatcher of their refusal to go to the surface. At the same time, workers of division No.5 did not inform the managers of the enterprise about holding of the unauthorized rally. What created an emergency situation that led to the shutdown of the enterprise", – the text of the "order" said.

It turned out that the miners in occupied Antratsyt did not calm down. According to an informed source of OstroV in the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast, the Antratsytvuhillia miners were really desperate, and some of them truly believed in "good king" Pasechnik. Allegedly, the "king" does not know about the coal lawlessness, but will immediately help when he finds out. As a result, the miners wrote joint letters to both Pasechnik and the "Chief Prosecutor General" of all the "LNR" Sergey Gorenko asking to respect the "law" of the "republic" and work of the miners, and finally give money.

"We, employees of this enterprise, contact you on the issue of non-payment and wage arrears. At the moment, we were not paid wages for October and November of the current year. Also, we do not know when the salary will be paid, because we do not have a specific date for payment at the enterprise. No payments were received from 30.10.18 to 6.12.18. Please consider our letter, as in accordance with Article 20 of the Law of the LNR, the employers violate… rights and obligations. We want our salaries to be paid in full and in a timely manner in accordance with the law", - the joint letter of the employees of Antratsyt state unitary enterprise of the LNR and branches of the enterprise to the "prosecutor" Gorenko said.

The list of applicants includes employees of the Komsomolska and Partyzanska mines, as well as employees of the Antratsytvuhillia branches - Antratsytpogruztrans and repair and engineering works.

"Please, show understanding, we fulfill our work duties and we hope that in accordance with Article 19, 20 of the Labor Code of the LNR, such items as Art. 19 Basic rights and obligations of an employee. The item is about the full and timely payment of wages in accordance with qualification, complexity of labor, quantity and quality of work performed… We want us to be paid in accordance with the law. We need to pay utilities, feed and clothe children", - the joint letter of the miners to Pasechnik said.

The saddest thing is that the "prosecutor's office" and "good king" Pasechnik thumb their noses at the miners. Most likely, only a timid knock at the "bossy" door and replica of the visitor following the creaking of the butts: "Mr. Leonid, the Ukes write on the Internet that our miners die of hunger again. Maybe, we should help somehow", can change the situation".

"As of today, the enterprise is the undisputed leader of coal mining of the Luhansk People's Republic. Six breakage faces are in operation. The Komsomolska and Partyzanska mines are capable of producing about seven thousand tons of "black gold" on a daily basis. There is also a constant work for the future – instead of the spent ones, two new breakage faces of the Komsomolska mine were put into operation from the beginning of 2016", - the "Ministry of Economic Development" of the "LNR" cheerfully reports on its website, modestly not indicating the tag "wealllie" .

Even if something is given to someone in occupied Antratsyt, soon everything will come full circle. The problem of wage arrears in the energy sector in the occupied territory of Luhansk oblast is already taken by all for granted, as a chronic exacerbation of an incurable disease. The coal is being mined and sold to Russia - less and cheaper than before, what is logical: the Russians have their own coal. And the hungry miners did not and would not worry anyone, what is also logical: the "people's republic" has one goal – to maintain the image of a "viable" freak of the Russian World, the one where they shot people for protests and strikes in the last century.

Ostap Horodenko, OstroV