
Block-long lines are not hindrance. How Donetsk residents go for Russian passport 06/05/2019 10:04:00. Total views 1963. Views today — 0.

The first people who wanted to get a passport of the Russian Federation were accepted the documents in an organized and cultural way amid a swarm of photographers and mass media representatives in order to show the whole world that the process had begun. They will be taken to the Rostov oblast by buses (in a cultural way as well) to receive the passports, accompanied by journalists, and will be asked on camera, what is it like - to have a Russian passport? The answers will, of course, be such that they allegedly feel themselves truly happy now, how long they have been waiting for this, that they are overwhelmed with emotions, an old dream has come true and everyone will tremble with emotion and tears will treacherously come out in their eyes.

As for the rest, who orderly stood in line for the Russian passport, they will have to come to the migration service more than once to bring the missing document and go to the Rostov oblast (Pokrovskoye village or Novoshakhtinsk city) all alone for the cherished Russian document.

The military (officers), judges and prosecutors can receive passport of the Russian Federation without waiting in line. The rest are registered from the night for submission of documents. And there is no guarantee that this day, they will reach the precious window to leave the prepared package.

Moreover, the majority have to be registered in two lines. The first is for receiving the Russian passport, the second is for the "DNR" or "LNR" passport, the presence of which is a condition for obtaining Russian passport. As it turned out, the opportunity to get a second citizenship made people stand in line for passport of the unrecognized "republic". Therefore, the queue for this document is much longer than for obtaining a second citizenship today. The passport offices do not cope with the flow of people, although, given the increased burden, new vacancies were opened and the staff was significantly increased.

In order not to join the queue at 5 a.m., and from the evening (before the curfew) in some areas, people are willing to pay for the opportunity to file documents, bypassing the unpromising expectations. As you know, the demand creates supply. The scheme was adjusted quiet soon, those wishing got the opportunity to receive the "DNR" passport in a shorter time and without waiting in line for $30-90 (depending on the number of people involved in the chain).

However, not everyone receives the "DNR" passport. But only those who were registered on the territory of the "republic" as of May 12, 2014. Some are also asked to bring a proof of employment for the same period. Therefore, first of all, you need to submit the documents for verification and prove the fact that you are not from "interlopers" and have the right.

Those who decided to get the "DNR" passport without the help of the "right" people, that is, for free, need to be patient. Because to register and get your number in the queue does not mean to pass that day. Because of the bad organization, not everyone who is registered has time to submit the documents. As a rule, 15 to 20 people pass, and the rest are forced to wait for the next day of admission. It also often happens that the notebook with numbers is lost, and the people begin to make new lists after scandal. There are lists in the queue for photocopying, photographing and filling out applications.

People share in social networks: "I also registered: No.539 for the "DNR" passport and No.468 for passport of the Russian Federation. The number was painted on my palm. If we assume that the passport office is open four days a week, then I should turn after about 4 years and 9 months". But taking into account those people who are screened out by the inspection, in reality, the queue will come in 2-2.5 months.

Citizens can optionally immediately receive a foreign passport of the Russian Federation with the Russian passport. In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the following state duties were established: for receiving Russian citizenship - $53, for issuing passport of the Russian Federation - $5 and foreign passport - $30. The term of consideration of documents - 3 months from the date of application and full package provision.

And now about why everyone rushed to get the second citizenship.

Well everything is clear with the military, prosecutors and judges. If Donbass is integrated into Ukraine at least for the first time, they need to leave until figuring out who is right and who is to blame.

Pensioners are hoping for the payment of Russian pensions.

Others admit that they want to get at least some official status.

But there are also many people in Donetsk, who are going to receive neither the "DNR" nor the Russian passport. And it is not because of the lack of the necessary amount of money. They still hope that Ukraine will return this territory under its control quite soon.

Liusia Molchanova, Donetsk, for OstroV