
Girkin told that Crimea started to be surrendered. Review of separatist mass media 12/02/2015 12:53:09. Total views 1823. Views today — 0.

The search and arrest of the "Minister" of Fuel, Energy and Mines of "LPR" Dmitriy Lyamin on Saturday, October 17 may be without any exaggeration called a real information bomb in fairly closed "LPR". According to the separatist media reports, citing the press service of the so-called "Ministry of State Security of LPR", the "official" is considered to be the main suspect in the case of large-scale financial fraud.

"Minister strictly obeyed the orders of criminal authorities connected with coal smuggling and transfer to criminals control of strategically important for the Republic  enterprises in fuel and energy sector", - reported in the “MSS LPR”.

In addition, the press service said that using his official position in the period from January to September 2015 Lyamin illegally sold to Ukraine more than 3.3 million tons of coal production, which is almost more than 88% of the total produced and implemented coal in the “republic”.

"He realized his machinations through companies which he controlled and which are not registered and do not make payments into the budget. Besides, these companies use 75-80% of rail transport of the republic and don’t pay the train fare. Profit that wasn’t gained by Luhansk railway only in September this year is about 69 million rubles, "- reported the press-service.

According to the "laws" of the self-proclaimed republic, "the Minister" may face up to 20 years in prison.

Actual coup in "LPR" became some kind of reality show. Perhaps "the young republics" haven’t experienced such an open and publicized internal conflict of interest. Judging by the video of Lyamin’s arrest such intensive media coverage was one of the main elements of the operation, aimed at providing support for law enforcement officers in the community. And here are those who the redistribution of the coal market affected –

"According to the Ministry of State Security of “DPR” while conspiring with the right hand of the famous Ukrainian mafia boss Yura Yenakiyevskyi, I. Avramovyi,"Minister strictly obeyed the orders of criminal authorities connected with smuggling coal and transferring to criminals control of strategically important for the Republic enterprises in fuel and energy sector", - writes News-front in the preface to the exclusive video from the scene …

Later the commentary of "LPR" leader appeared at Luhansk Information Center on the arrest of Lyamin. Plotnitsky suddenly said that he was not involved in the arrest of “the Minister" and demanded explanation from Leonid Pasechnik, "the Minister of the MSS LPR".

"The head of LPR Igor Plotnitsky didn’t impose sanctions  on MSS and MIA of the Republic on the arrest of Fuel and Energy Minister Dmitriy Lyamin.

"I didn’t give any sanctions either to MIA or MSS on the arrest of Lyamin or any other investigation actions regarding him"said Plotnitsky.

The leader of "LPR" also announced that currently he was not in the republic, as he was on a business trip. Plotnitsky said he supported the decision of the Commission People's Council of "LPR" to hold a meeting at which the deputies are going to demand an explanation from the Minister of MSS Leonid Pasechnik regarding today's arrest of Lyamin. "I absolutely agree with this decision, let Pasechnik explain deputies why the Minister was arrested," - he said”.

The following day Plotnitsky was blunter in his expressions and actions. He said again that the arrest of Lyamin is the arbitrariness of security officers and he now suspended "the head of the Ministry of State Security of "LPR" Leonid Pasechnik.

Pasechnik, in his turn, refused to obey Plotnitsky. Then the most interesting started: Pasechnik was supported by "the Prosecutor's Office", "Police", as well as some of the "deputies of the People's Council" and the Cossacks.

Moreover, "the Ministry of State Security of «LPR» initiated a search in the shops and supermarkets, which at the time were under Plotnitsky’s control. After that the "Office" reported that Plotnitsky profited from the Russian humanitarian aid to the inhabitants of «LPR». It turned out that he had laundered money through charities registered on the members of his family, in particular his wife and brother.

The fact that the former supermarket "ATB" and "Semeynyi" which are now referred to as "Natsionalnyi" actively sell the products from humanitarian aid from Russia in an actively discussed topic by Luhansk dwellers in social networks.

According to a number of separatist media and thematic public accounts in social networks, Plotnitsky went to Moscow in the very center of "coup".  So, the Luhansk Guard group in Vkontakte network on Wednesday, October 21, published a photo of Alexander Popov with Plotnitsky supposedly close to the Kremlin.

Luhansk coup was a major topic of discussion for both citizens and opinion leaders of so-called "LPR". For example, a small analytical material, written by militant-blogger Andrew spread fast on many separatist resources.

"At the moment the situation in "LPR" escalated again. So, a brief review of the matter. We have a conflict akin to the struggle against the Makhnovshchina. The government of «LPR» subdued all groups of the Cossacks in the Republic, as well as their business. May, summer and September passed. Schemes of corruption worked well. And suddenly when the head of "LPR" was on a business trip, the MSS arrested the Minister of Fuel, Energy and Mines of "LPR" Lyamin. The reasons for this arrest may actually be several 1) he didn’t share the last "deal" 2) "commissary" cleans government from thieves with the help of MSS 3) blackmailing to get their share of the scheme. It is impossible to claim which variant is faithful.

Immediately the Minister was supported by the head of administration, the Council of Ministers of the “LPR“, the Parliament. That is, almost all of the legislative and executive authorities. Ministry of State Security was supported by the Prosecutors of “LPR“, which confirmed the legality of the actions of the Minister of State Security and his people.

So far, the picture is not complete, the Ministry of Interior Affairs, the People's police stay out of the game and commissary doesn’t show its position. The course of events will depend on their decision, decision of the strongest forces of “LPR“.

To be honest, all these structures except commissary have thieves, murderers and even local drug lords. Therefore, it doesn’t matter who loses as anyways thieves will be among them. Of course, ideally, both sides of the political conflict will lose. It should be done by men from a special department of the commissary! I think all everybody guessed what I mean. I think there will be no shooting but it’s impossible to avoid scandals! .. ".

Authoritative among separatists military commentator Boris Rozhin called the arrest of Lyamin  the fight against corruption in LPR. He also recalled that Lyamin’s actions contradict with the ideals of the "Russian world".

"Another interesting thing is that attempts were made to free Lyamin, but they failed. They promise to investigate the spending of humanitarian aid in “LPR“ in 2015, to close the off-budget funds, tighten control of taxes and fees, as well as control of the coal market. In fact, the security forces of “LPR“ united against gang activity of Lyamin and those leaders of “LPR“ who support him. It was unequivocally stated that those who would obstruct the investigation of the case or throw mud on authorities investigating this matter, would be regarded as accomplices of the Lyamin’s gang. It sounded exactly like an unambiguous threat to Plotnitsky.

There is an obvious confrontation between the civil administration to protect Lyamin’s gang and security forces of the Republic requiring work the most out of the matter.

Pasechnik has nothing to lose if Lyamin is released and the case is over, he will lose his position immediately, so that after all what was said and done he needs to come to the end. Support from the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Prosecutor's Office certainly simplifies his task. But apparently the hype in the press won’t let them burke the investigation at the early stage.

Concluding the event, a video of which I advise you to watch in full, Plotnitsky added that in the near future prosecutors of “LPR“ would make it possible to free Dmitriy Lyamin. And that happened. The Prosecutor's Office, which had recently made decision recognizing the actions of the Ministry of State Security illegal without the consent of the Prosecutor's Office, suddenly recognized that the arrest was carried out with violations of the current legislation and decided to release Lyamin, applying to him a house arrest. But Lyamin was not released. At the very moment when the doors of the MSS were supposed to open and release the "prisoner of conscience", new facts of criminal activities in relation to the Minister of Fuel, Energy and Mines Lyamin were revealed. In this regard a new criminal proceeding was opened under Part 2 of Art. 350 of the Criminal Code of «LPR», in particular use of official powers contrary to the interests of the service, if the act is committed by mercenary or other personal interest, and result in a substantial violation of the rights and legitimate interests of citizens or organizations or legally protected interests of society or the state, committed by a person holding public office in «LPR». Then employees of the MSS of “LPR“, guided by the norms of article 94 and 95 of the CCP “LPR“ for urgent investigative actions arrested Dmitriy Lyamin. Well, it did not work, although everybody tried hard.

PS. Perhaps this is the most positive news recently from “LPR”. If all this loud issue is completed within backroom squabbles and we do witness some actions regarding stealing of coal and humanitarian aid, it would be a positive sign for the Republic. Many would say that it had been already said and written about, for instance Dremov talked about all this a year ago. I'm here so I say, it’s better late than never. Good luck to MSS and MIA of “LPR”, hopefully they can bring the matter to its logical end "- said Rozhin.

Finishing this topic in today's review, I must say that on October 21 in the "Cossack" groups in social networks the decision of the Cossacks was announced to go to the rally in Luhansk on November 7-8  to express mistrust to so-called "government of "LPR".

Girkin told that Crimea started to be surrendered

The "ex-minister" of defense of “DPR” Igor Girkin (Strelkov) said that Moscow had already begun surrendering Crimea to Ukraine.

"The cons of the Syrian campaign are clear: 1) it is impossible to win a final victory in general, and the defeat is very likely to happen; 2) in this situation invested resources "are wasted", both material and human; 3) the effect of the moral defeat in the "hyped" war will affect the situation in the country; 4) the most important is that the Syrian campaign is a clumsy attempt of "PR cover" of surrendering Donbass and start of the "dialogue" concerning Crimea (according to my information, the fuss around the status of Crimea has already begun).

The surrender of Crimea will be followed by the surrender of the Russian Federation. With predictable (negative) results. It will be impossible to stop the process; our "elite" will definitely finish it. The consequences will be dire. In the best case they will be the same as after the collapse of the Soviet Union. But I think it will be worse as there is no Soviet "safety" in the state, economy and society.

They will try to exchange Crimea for some sanctions with any "profit" (using their terminology). In the end when this does not work, everything will be returned with a "huge discount" and they will pay, pay and pay more till they have nothing left. And then there will be under a palace coup under the cover of Moscow Maidan, nuclear disarmament and the disintegration of the Russian Federation. At least, that's planned in Washington and London. And now "everything goes as planned".

The first condition for a big war preparation (or any war at all) is replacement of incompetent staff and the removal of potential agents of the enemy from the country's leadership. And we have them almost everywhere in the government, in particular in the board of the Central Bank and a significant part of the President's closest aides. Primarily people are fighting. And the guns and tanks are just tools. Therefore, I believe that the Russian leadership is not ready for any “big war”.

For me the rejection of the Syrian war has a quite practical value, a lot of my friends (and friends of friends) had already left to be “volunteers” (i.e. mercenaries) and is now serving in PMC as infantry "cannon fodder". With a corresponding loss. And I'm really sorry that the best and most active Russian people will die, be maimed or simply shed their blood not for their Motherland but just for the sake of "PR tasks" to provide cover for a creeping surrender in Ukraine"- said Strelkov.

He also believes that "the Republic" is just a way for Russian officials to earn money on the "grey" financial schemes. He even compared the scale of kickbacks to the Sochi Olympics.

"The meaning of “investing" a huge number of Russian budgets into the Republic can be exactly the same as in the recent Olympics. And then the war will scrap everything. And it will cover all "kickbacks" and "siphon offs". By the way, that’s why it’s beneficial for the officials: 1) to involve absolutely incompetent and morally wretched people (which get crumbs from the "siphon offs"); 2) early transfer of republics "back" to Ukraine (then no one will ever be able to check what the money was spent on)"- sums up Strelkov.

Review prepared by Ruslan Biryukov, Ostrov