
Economy of the Russian World. "DNR" enterprises shut down 12/20/2019 17:17:10. Total views 3624. Views today — 0.

There is the next wave of shut down of the industrial enterprises in the "DNR". The "republican" authorities openly announced last week that they had stopped financing the Horlivka Stirol concern.

In fact, the super-lucrative till 2014 chemical giant did not work from the first days of the military conflict, but for some time, the workers were kept in reserve and were even paid some symbolic money during shutdown.

Occupation authorities tried to launch Stirol twice for five years. Russian crisis managers were even invited for these purposes in 2018, but after pompous television news about the resumption of the enterprise, it suddenly turned out that such ambitious plans were not destined to come true because of "proximity to the demarcation line". In fact, everyone understood that the real reason was lack of the market outlets. But they spread information through the local media about Ukraine's plans to conduct a diversion at the plant so that no one doubts.

They began to lay off the Stirol workers left and right, having left 900 people to maintain the activity of the enterprise, because they understood that it was impossible to completely stop Stirol - the factory's substation provides electricity to a city with a population of more than 100 thousand people. The suspension of the water purification facility threatens with environmental disaster. The workers were paid just nominal wage with delays, but in the last three months, there is no funding even for these peanuts.

Workers of the chemical factory tried to reach out to the "top of power" by all means to explain what the complete stop of Stirol threatens with. The "government" of the "DNR" replied to their appeal that "the financing of the enterprise was carried out according to the Order of the DNR Head (Zakharchenko at that point in time), but now there is no money even to maintain the idle time, and the financing has been completely stopped".

Also, the "managers" did not fail to notice that the debts on wages and taxes to the treasury of the "republic" are already close to a billion rubles.

The Khartsyzsk Silur steel wire rope plant was much luckier than the Horlivka Stirol. It became a kind of smoke and mirrors of the "DNR". While all the relatively profitable enterprises of the "republic" were "nationalized", that is, seized from their previous owners, the situation with Silur is quite the opposite – it was taken into private hands with the support of "Minister of Revenue and Duties" of the "DNR" Lavrenov, after which the plant stopped working. However, the workers are not fired and the official closure allegedly does not threaten it. But since the plant produces and sells nothing, there is no money for salaries.

The workers of Silur call the transfer of the enterprise into private hands an illegal takeover and say that Lavrenov promised them that serious investors would come to the plant. But time goes on, and the enterprise is standing and hundreds of families were left without money on the New Year's Eve.

"… Silur is idle… No salary for November. Payments for the period of the "state-owned" enterprise (a few more months) are also not paid. The liquidator does not accept claims from the employees. When Lavrenov covered the raiding (transfer from the "state" property to a "private owner"), he spoke of a serious investor. He lied…", - the plamt's employees write on social networks.

People have been working at the state-owned Donetsk Electrotechnical Plant, which specializes in the production and overhaul of explosion-proof electrical equipment, machine-building profile and provision of services for the adjustment and testing of electrical equipment, two days a week for several months.

It was at this enterprise where the first and last tram of the "DNR" production with a symbolic name "I am the Donetsk" was assembled. It was released for a run-in in August 2018, and this was top news for the local television channels for several days. Donetsk residents were proudly informed that the new car was equipped according to all up-to-date standards, even with a wireless Internet. To be honest, it turned out then that something happened with electronics there and it turned out just an ordinary car without any bells and whistles. So, this enterprise has been completely stopped since January due to the lack of orders and markets for finished products.

A sad fate befell the Donetsk High Voltage Equipment Plant, the products of which were supplied to 35 countries of the world until 2014. The reason for the shutdown is the same - lack of orders. It has been mothballed since December 24. All workers have already been informed that they would be fired. People write in social groups that they left only security at the enterprise, the rest were offered to contact the employment centers.

Against the backdrop of all these "economic achievements", even the radically pro-Russian population is increasingly realizing that the bottom of the "DNR" has an even lower level, and that the reason for the impoverishment of the population is the policy of "power" not to develop the "republic", but to destroy it. Judging by the fact how the enterprises of the occupied Donbass are systematically shut down and go bankrupt, we can assume that this policy is aimed at removing industrial competitors from the market, and employing qualified specialists, who are out of work, in the Russian Federation according to Russian passports, thereby transforming the once prosperous industrial region into ghost territory, which is not needed either by Russia or Ukraine. Leaving and abandoning for complete destruction and extinction…

Liusia Molchanova, Donetsk, for OstroV