
Fate of the Donetsk blogger Bolotin as indicator of "freedom of speech" in the "DNR" 03/26/2020 10:58:00. Total views 3546. Views today — 0.

The fact that the "people's" republics treat people like garbage was understandable from the first days of their "independence". Including - to the ideological part of the Russian World supporters, who ran around Donetsk with the flags of Russia and Novorossia in the spring of 2014. Some "activists" were immediately pushed away from the honeypot, others were allowed to play in the "people's" "republic" for some time.

These include member of the "Public Chamber of the DNR", leader of the Convenient Donetsk organization, curator of the "Your city without problems" and "Situation in Donetsk from eyewitnesses" communities in social networks Alexander Bolotin, known under the pseudonym Alexander Nikolayevich.

From the first days, Bolotin told the Internet community about Ukrainian punishers and painted the bright future of the proud "republics". He sincerely believed in a project called Novorossia, expected the rapid prosperity of the "state" and a new economic miracle, but realized after three years that something had gone wrong. It was then that notes of doubt and even timid hints of criticism of the existing government began to appear on his blogs.

Bolotin allowed all champion of truth to practice wittiness in his groups. The participants were not banned for the expressions like "holeland" or "hole", meaning "DNR". Even those participants who called the "emblem" of the "republic" "two-headed chicken" after the manner of Ukraine were not removed from the group. What it is quite bold - he personally posts information on his page that it is from the "DNR" side that shelling of Ukrainian positions begins when the Ukrainian military observes a ceasefire.

It is not known for certain how such breadth did not provoke a reaction from the "DNR" special services for quite a long stretch of time, but in March 2019, Bolotin reports in the "Situation in Donetsk from eyewitnesses" group that he was attacked by unknown people in camouflage and taken he phone away. But since there was no further action, the topic was not developed.

Like the bolt from the blue - a message from administrator of one of the social groups Yevgeniy Tseytlin on January 21, 2020 about the disappearance of Bolotin. A little later, it turns out that Alexander Nikolayevich was detained by officers of the "law enforcement agencies" at 9.00 when leaving the house and held until 18.00 in the pre-trial detention center without drawing up a detention protocol and any arrest warrants. Another Donetsk blogger Senia Anatolich Varm wrote this on his page. He also reported that Bolotin was not given the opportunity to notify the family about the detention, and only after his wife called 102, the blogger was taken home, acts on the seizure of office equipment were drawn up, and he was taken to the detention center again, having told his relatives that he had been detained for 30 days until the clarification.

Following fresh traces, the "associates" of Bolotin began to find out the reasons that could provoke detention of the "patriot and activist of the DNR" and unanimously came to the conclusion that his recent publications on corruption in the "DNR" "leadership" became the reason.

It is known that Bolotin actively covered the topic of school meal in January, or rather, its complete absence, in Makiivka. He blamed "mayor" of the city Sergey Goloshchapov. Later, he addressed "head of the republic" Denis Pushilin with a request to dismiss chairman of the "Public Chamber" Alexander Kofman for lobbying the interests of Goloshchapov.

In the same period, Bolotin had a conflict with representatives of the "Ministry of Information" of the "DNR", who publicly denied the problem with organization of school meal. Tension also arises with the MIA "Minister" Dikiy, whom he called author of the senseless initiative on the "DNR" passportization of residents of the "republic" when even Russia did not recognize it.

Almost two months have passed, but Bolotin was still in prison. Based on official version of the "DNR MIA", the reason for the blogger's detention is spreading of materials "containing knowingly false information aimed at inciting hatred, enmity, and also discrediting the honor, dignity and business reputation of the authorities and law enforcement agencies".

Another Donetsk blogger Roman Manekin decides to raise the tide for justice. He emphasizes that he is not a friend of Bolotin, but rather the opposite, since he considers him Pushilin's protege. Nevertheless, Manekin requires the "law enforcers" to provide evidence of why they put the public person away.

Social networks came quickly with a reaction as well. The first to respond is Bolotin's wife, who calls on the "law enforcement agencies" to publicly explain to people why her husband was detained. A certain Tatyana Korshunova does not even hide her disappointment from what is happening in the "republic" with freedom of speech.

It is difficult to predict whether the "power" will somehow react to the people's desire to know the true reasons for Bolotin's detention, and, most importantly, what evidence it will present as a fact of inciting hatred and enmity. However, one can definitely say that "public man", "patriot" and blogger Alexander Nikolayevich will not be in the area of interest of "head of the republic" Pushilin. They will try to forget about him as the one who "worked his resource out". Like they "forgot" about notorious rector of the Donbass Law Academy Sergey Goncharov and many others, who fanatically longed for change, power and money in 2014.

Liusia Molchanova, Donetsk, for OstroV