
The kings of the desert. Why separatists allure forced migrants to return 12/30/2015 15:15:43. Total views 1973. Views today — 0.

Lack of pleasant prospects, permanent warfare, exorbitant prices, real economy block and unemployment, uncontrolled banditry, harassment for dissidence, just a lack of all rights and freedoms ... - These are the realities of the "people's republics" that make people who left the occupied areas of Donbass, knock about other people's houses but do not return to their homes. However, the leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky called "compatriots" to return last week, as he said to "the homeland". At the same time, he presented it not as a need of the LPR but like care for the lost sheep: "The majority is stupefied by propaganda on the other side. They still believe that there are probably not even people, we torture, kill, live unclearly here. You see, it is insulting and painful to watch how they knock about in Ukraine."

It should be noted that this was said a few days after the brutal murder of ataman of Stakhanov Cossacks Pavel Dremov near Pervomaysk. And for the writer of these lines not to look "stupified by propaganda", as Plotnitsky said, I offer to refer to the man that  can not be suspected of it at all. Russian ataman Nikolay Kozitsin, telling about the murder of Dremov by their people (meaning Plotnitskyi) describes what happens in the dungeons, as he said - "Luhandiya".

"All the murders that were committed in a mean way, starting with Batman - all will be accountable. And for the hundreds of Cossacks and citizens of Ukraine who are today in the chambers of imprisonment in Luhandiya, these scoundrels will be accountable. Because there is information that they brutalize people, beat, break ribs, knock their eyes out ..."- said Kozitsin, adding that retribution will come and "guillotine will run continuously."

That is, militants can offer no peace, no law, no bread to people. But on their TV there is an everlasting holiday, propaganda draws pictures of Soviet well-being. At the same time, Russia, as declared by the same Plotnitsky, stops to help with its "humanitarian" convoy as of the New Year- that is, external support is reduced. Then, why do the separatist leaders need the forced migrants who they can neither feed nor provide with work?

They need people not only because they are new hostages, because of whom Ukraine has to negotiate with the terrorists, but also because they are the ground for their enrichment. They are not original. Here is an excerpt from the article that was recently published by the British Financial times. It turns out that the main income of the IGIL terrorists is not oil, as is considered ... However, the reader can draw conclusions and parallels after analyzing the text below.

"IGIL income on tax, as well as on seizures and extortion on the controlled territories is not less than the profit from the oil trade. Syrian oil may seem the most profitable resource of the terrorist groups. But even if aircrafts of the US, France and Russia are able to strike oil extraction, local revenues, such as taxes, help to to save the IGIL economy "...

I think everyone understood why Zakharchenko and Plotnitskyi called people back under their authority. Pro-Russian puppets took over the territory but they can not rule the territory, they can only rule the people who live on this territory. Desert is also territory, but there are no kings of the desert. Kings need subordinates, only then they are real kings. Those Plotnitnitskys and Zakharchenkos contrive to return people by deceit and promises. After all, people will anyways survive, do some kind of activity, "bustle about" - as we say. And for that, they automatically will have to pay taxes to support the "economy" and social sphere of the republic.

Well, the important detail of the same article in the Financial Times is that the funds collected from citizens living on the territories captured by IGIL terrorists are paid to the militants ...

So, "dear compatriots", you are really expected in your small homeland ...

You’ll ask who needs you in the big homeland? And who, in general, is somewhere needed? Only our beloved, relatives and friends need us. But their presence in our life depends not on the policy or the war, but only on us personally.

Sergey Garmash, OstroV