
"Moscow has already prepared the Russians for giving up Donbass". Weekly review of the events in the occupied territories of Donbass 12/30/2016 10:01:00. Total views 1706. Views today — 1.

Zakharchenko is on the booze, the "arc" is on fire. How Russia hit the economy of "republics". Why Luhansk children will not get in the New-Year show in the Kremlin. How Moscow was enlisting the "DPR-LPR" leaders. The author's radio program of Sergei Garmash "Occupation" will tell you about this and even more.

"Is Zakharchenko on the booze"?

Battles near Debaltseve, on the so-called "Svetlodarsk arc", are going on from December 18. Both sides accuse each other in the beginning of the aggression. I will not go into their versions, just stating a fact: Ukrainian troops managed to occupy strategic heights, for which there was a massacre all last week.

"The situation could have been worse if not regularly interfered with the officers of the Russian representation in the JCCC. They quickly request a "quiet order" for any violation. That is what makes it possible to control the situation in this region", – separatist information agency "dnr news" wrote.

At the same time, a Russian mercenary Valeriy Gratov who is warring in Donbass wrote on his Facebook page on December 19:

"There is a hell at the front in the DPR. While Sasha Zakharchenko cannot get out of the binge, they are hammering us all along the line. Givi disappeared somewhere on the sly. The soldiers are demoralized, the punishers are climbing all around, our guys are heroically repulsing! But we have a heavy toll" – the end of quote.

I do not know whether the "general" Zakharchenko is on the booze, but he has really disappeared, at least from the information space of the so-called DPR. What is quite unusual, especially given the acuteness of the situation at the front. Previously, he has always been on the screen in such situations, and now – silence. Perhaps the "general" decided not to stoop to the level of Debaltseve and is working on plans for the capture of London, which he has promised to the Russian public before. And the other militant leader, the head of the Vostok brigade Alexander Khodakovsky, states that the mood on the front is very ambiguous since the soldiers are asking questions: "For whom and for what?" in increasing frequency.

Audio: Of course, those people who are now near Debaltseve, on that site, which is under attack, see it all. And many of the most ideological commanders said that after the return of soldiers from the leave, it is necessary to work with them additionally in order to bring them into the normal state of readiness to fight, because they are just starting to ask the question: for whom and for what? In order for these people –the carriers of the petty-bourgeois consciousness, or the modern NEPmen, quietly continued to exist behind our backs forgetting about the war?

According to Khodakovsky there are only about 20% of soldiers who are fighting for the idea at the front. But even they continue to kill their fellow countrymen just because they have no other choice.

Audio: 20-30% militiamen of the first wave. This is those ideological that left today in our armed forces… And here, it is against this background that we hear the call of our sham minister of defense to get up and come back. And why had these people gone away? – it is not because they are destroyed, it is because the entire foreign policy, which is expressed in particular relation to these people, does not contribute to their retardation in the warring subdivisions. And we were talking about the time when around 40% of the military personnel of some subdivisions comprised of the people who had come to us with the retreating subdivisions of Igor Strelkov from that side, which is occupied today by the Ukrainian troops. And perhaps this 20% is almost entirely comprised of those who have simply nowhere to go. These people did not go away because there is despair under their belt.

"People do not understand…"

And while freedom is fighting with despair at the front, there is going to be the next change of the leaders in the "capital" of the so-called "LPR", Luhansk. No, this is not about the head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky, this is about the fact that the "People's council of the LPR" admitted the work of the president of the Council of ministers Sergey Kozlov as unsatisfactory on December 22.

The chairman of the so-called "People's council of the LPR" Vladimir Degtyarenko explained the decision of the deputies by the discrepancy of Kozlov's promises when had taken office and by the results of his work. Kozlov had been working on his post a year.

The leader of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky supported the decision of the People's Council.

"The deputies of the People's Council, as the flesh and blood of the people, knowing the economic problems of the state in the conditions of the unfinished war firsthand, gave a fair assessment of the work of the President of the Council of Ministers. They acted honestly, since all republic's processes should take place openly. We have no right not to listen and not to follow the people’s will in the People's Republic", - Plotnitsky underlined.

Well, Igor Plotnitsky took a good position in the so-called "republic" – he leads all, but is not responsible for anything. At the same time, he always has someone to push the responsibility. Here, for example, the case of the "brilliant" solution of Plotnitsky to the problem of Alchevsk iron and steel works, more correctly, of thousands of its employees and their families, connected with the blocking of the accounts of AISW for unpaid water.

Audio: – The Ministry of Industry, what had happened there, why are the accounts of AISW blocked?

- The accounts are blocked on the Ukrainian territory.

- I understand that they are not on our own, but why?

- For non-payment.

- I understand, but then why do people come to us? Ukraine has blocked the accounts Ukraine, but people come to us and ask us to make a decision. Explain the situation to people somehow. We have a TV, print – use it to explain the situation to people. Then I wait for your article tomorrow. – Because you are sitting and waiting. What are you waiting for? The situation exists, explain it to people. People do not understand. They write and call me. What, help, save and so on. Because it is a new year and they do not have funding and so on.

This is it – the entire "head" of the entire "republic" is sitting at a meeting with the entire "ministers" of the entire "government" and instead of solving the problem of his citizens, he orders to write articles explaining that he is not guilty in this problem!

"Then why do people come to us!" – Plotnitsky wonders! – It is because you have called yourself a rule. Whom they have to go, Poroshenko, or what? And what is most interesting – he did not even ask why, AISW, in fact, does not pay for the water and how this problem can be solved!

Russia's blow on "republics"

It is not surprising that Krasnodon meat packing plant has stopped with such an approach in the economically "prosperous" "LPR". It turns out that they were hoping to sell their products to Russia after breaking with Ukraine. But it was not to be. Ruslan Sorokovenko – the so-called minister of agriculture of the LPR, tells.

Audio: – The main market for production distribution of this enterprise was the whole Ukraine prior to the military actions. As the company was preparing elite meat delicacies. That is, they were not able to be realized on the territory of the republic in full… Now there are problems with the purchase of raw materials and trading area. This enterprise does not have privileges on the duty free importation of their products to the Russian Federation, like many enterprises of the republic. Therefore, if deliveries of these products are made to Russia, they will lose their competitive ability because of the duties from the Russian side

And then – an interesting detail: it turns out that Russia has reduced the list of the puppet enterprises of the "LPR", which were exempted from any import duties, thrice.

Audio: The list was given in 236 enterprises, 68 were left there… All the enterprises of food and processing industries as well as of agriculture were excluded from the given list.

It is against this background that the brag of the so-called "deputy prime minister" of the puppet Donetsk republic with the nickname "Tashkent" looks ridiculous. He says that entrepreneurs from a free territory of Ukraine are asking openly in the "DPR" in order to trade from there with Russia.

Audio: Well, I do not know, probably, it is the influx of entrepreneurs from Ukraine who have never worked with us for the last two weeks. There are negotiations about their readiness for today to place their production at our place, to produce and deliver this production there where they used to deliver it before. Now they have lost these markets because of the efforts of the wise Ukrainian government. They come, place these productions here and produce this production from us. Ukraine announced the blockade of the Russian products, and Russia announced the blockade of their products in return. We did not announce the blockade of the Russian products.

Only Mr. "Tashkent" forgot that there are no DPR and LPR for Russia. Legally, there is only Ukraine and its Donetsk and Luhansk regions. Accordingly, all of Russia's sanctions against Ukraine are automatically reflected on the so-called "DPR-LPR". It was confirmed by the "minister of agriculture of the LPR":

Audio: We have some problems with the export of technical fodder crops outside the republic. Because of the emergence of swine fever in Ukraine, the Russian Federation banned the import of all types of forage crops from Ukraine. Because of this, farmers do not have enough working capital for the purchase of fuel. Therefore, the timing for preparing the soil are a little bit delayed.

Interestingly, that Russia suddenly became non-native for not only 168 Luhansk enterprises, but also for Luhansk children.

For example, this year they are not going to see Kremlin’s Christmas tree only because there is no single bus in the whole "republic" that meets the safety standards of the Russian Federation and the Russian traffic police refused to accompany them. As a result, from the group of 150 children who anticipated to see Kremlin’s Santa Claus only 37 will go there… by train.

Audio: It is very problematic to let children travel by bus. Today Russia makes very high demands due to the events in Khanty-Mansiysk. We don’t have enough funds to ensure a safe trip to Moscow for our children. That is an issue...

- I’ll give you a piece of advice straight away. Contact the governor of the Rostov region and I am sure that they will be able to get us 2-3 buses, matching their quality standards. We will pay of course. Do you have his contact information or not?

- Only the governor’s deputy. Well, I think that this issue could be resolved. We just need to have a desire to solve it. Since we do not have the buses, it is necessary to get them from Russia...

- We contacted the traffic police of the Russian Federation. The fact is that there is no bus or other vehicle, which would meet the requirements put forward by the Russian Federation. Traffic police unit of the Rostov region does not want to accompany our vehicles. Therefore, we decided to cancel the trips. There were over 150 people who would have left on Saturday and Sunday.

"Russia has already built its acquittal argument through Minsk"

Donetsk has already felt that Moscow had eased its fraternal embrace. Olexandr Khodakovsky, the leader of the Vostok formation believes that Moscow has already paved the way for the giving up of Donbass:

Audio: If Russia gives up the Donbass… because Russia, for some reason, strongly demonstrates that it has no involvement in the processes that take place here. So that then, of course, Russia won’t be responsible for anything. That's what happened: lack of talent commanders, treachery of Ukraine. Russia has already built its acquittal argument through Minsk. Like, we have gained a certain immunity for the DPR and LPR on the political level. But if any collapse happens, only Ukraine will be guilty, which treacherously, in violation of all agreements... as if it were the first time... unilaterally, using the advantage in manpower and equipment, attacked and destroyed these two republics... If it suddenly happens, Russia has already done enough for this tedious and already uninteresting Donbass story. It will make sure that its collapse will be taken more or less calmly by common Russians.

Khodakovsky hopes for reformatting the authorities in Russia because in his opinion nowadays "political Russia" is not capable "to bring the process to the end".

Audio: Today political Russia is not able to begin, accompany the processes and to bring them to their logical end. That is, it takes a new format, a new generation, which will consist of an adhesion of what produced in recent years here and what is from present passionate Russia.

"Recruitment methods"

I do not know if Russia is able to change, but it is unlikely that it will change its attitude towards Donbass mercenaries and its puppets. A lord may pity his servants, but he will never sit with them at the same table. And it turns out that Russia sees the Donbass traitors of their homeland not even as servants, but as the most primitive recruited agents. Olexandr Khodakovsky, being a former officer of the Armed forces of Ukraine, told that.

Audio: You know there are some recruitment methods. They are based on patriotism, on the compromising evidence, on a material interest. They used the simple ones here - patriotism and other forms of recruitment. We are dealing with our outstanding intelligence, which exposed or not, being ethnically British or American, helped the Soviet Union. It was a complex structure of relations. The easier were things with our fugitive one, who even wrote some books about the history of his country having little knowledge of it. There was a material interest. So they chose from all the possible ways of having the dialogue the least expensive one. That is, an exchange system "I give you, you give me". We'll give you a specific range of power on the spot, you do not interfere in processes, even if these processes will lead to some kind of misery. In return "you" (the concept is a collective, not only Zakharchenko himself) follow our requirements and orders. In 2014 this process was primitivized, utterly simplified. We are still eliminating its consequences.

"They eat, drink and do not think about the war..."

As we have heard, Russia originally built relationships with Donbass separatists as with paid agents. "Russian Spring" was never an ideology for the Kremlin, but only a tool. And now it’s over. In particular for those Luhansk citizens which were left without the gas at the most cold last weekend. This issue was discussed at a meeting with the leader of LPR Igor Plotnitsky.

Audio: For example, a factory worker was deprived of gas. His family earned 1500 rubles in recent months, it’s their salary. How can they repay the debt?

- How many denials for non-payment you have made this Thursday in the republic?

- 21 denial for Thursday. We were on the 60 objects. 40 objects have paid and 21 got the denials for non-payment.

Well, the latest news about the life of the occupied territories of Donbass is that Olga Kobtseva, the representative of the humanitarian subgroup in Minsk, complained to the LPR leader Plotnitsky about the lack of fuel in the country for the weekend.

Audio: There is a tendency that from Monday to Friday we have gas, but on Saturday-Sunday it is impossible to refill a gas tank. Notifications "refill only by coupons" are gone, but now they have only diesel fuel in stock. Gas stations apparently work but it is impossible to refill a tank.

And now let’s talk about the situation in Donetsk for the balance. I’ll quote the fragment of the letter, which has been published by a Russian nationalist Eduard Limonov. He received it from a friend in Donetsk. Let’s listen:

"Today we took a walk at Pushkin boulevard (the Donetsk downtown). There are plenty of crowded cafes and restaurants, all parking lots are filled, music blasts everywhere. That’s a scary contrast. Young beautiful man are dying very close and at the same time other people eat, drink and do not think about the war at all. One part of the population is thrilled with sudden fortune and position but the other half looks at this madness with their heads bent. I'm still waiting when this abscess bursts. It should burst! They crossed the line. Something has to happen. I do not think the people will rise up, they just do not believe anyone and used to think that it's necessary, because Russian Federation wants so. Today in Donetsk jail everyone was questioned where they served in 2014 without any explanation. Are they going to make up disciplinary battalions? Someone needs to be food for powder. I came up with such an idea but we’ll see", - Limonov’s friend concludes.

I will also say: draw conclusions. Was it worth it?

OstroV, Public Radio of Donbass