
Ukraine resumed freight railway transportation across the demarcation line in the ATO area in Donbass 06/30/2016 13:37:42. Total views 1330. Views today — 0.

Freight railway transportation across the demarcation line of the military conflict in Donbass is resumed as of June 25th, 2016. It is reported by Interfax-Ukraina  with reference to Ukrzaliznytsya.

"Convention was in force from June 1st to June 24th which prohibits freight transportation from Ukraine to the occupied territory of Donetsk railway. It is resumed as of June 25th," - reported in OJSC.

As head of the Directorate Department of Commercial Activities of the DTEK Energo Dmitry Malyar, DTEK energy holding is waiting for the resumption of the anthracite coal supply from the occupied areas of Donbass.

"The initial reason for stopping the supply was the strike of railway workers on the other side, but it stopped. At the same time, railway infrastructure was damaged in the course of fighting, it is now restored. The situation is changing every day, so it's hard to say when supplies will be resumed," - he said.

Earlier it was reported that anthracite coal supply from the occupied areas of Donbass stopped in early June due to stop of railway traffic on the occupied territory. At the same time, meeting of railway workers were organized in several cities in the occupied area in which the anti-Ukrainian slogans were announced together with the requirements for the Ukrainian government to pay for the work of the railway in the occupied areas of Donbass.