The second tranche of the IMF depends on raising the retirement age in Ukraine - Ukrainian Prime Minister Adviser 07/04/2016 21:05:19. Total views 1312. Views today — 1.

The second part of the third tranche of the financing of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is connected, among other things, with further addressing the issue of raising the retirement age in Ukraine. This was announced by senior economic adviser to the Ukrainian Prime Minister Ivan Miklosh in an interview with Segodnya, - reports Interfax-Ukraine.

"There are some commitments on pension reform, which has been partially adopted, particularly in the elimination of benefits for specific groups of professions. But not all were accepted and implemented," - he said.

"The second part of the IMF tranche for Ukraine will depend on implementation of the second part of the obligations under the pension reform in autumn... we're not just talking about it, but it is also the pre-conditions for it (raising the retirement age - Ed) ," - said Miklosh.

As reported previously, I.Miklosh said that Ukraine would most likely need to adopt more laws to fulfill the requirements of the IMF to allocate the entire amount of the tranche of $ 1.7 billionwhich was deferred last year: tranche may be allocated to the two parts, including in July in the amount of $ 1 billion.

Opened in March 2015 four-year program EFF of total amount of about $ 17 billion with the first tranche of $ 5 billion originally anticipated quarterly review of the programme and allocation of three tranches of $ 1.6 billion in 2015 to their subsequent reduction to $ 0.61 billion in 2016 -2018.

Ukraine managed to get only two tranches.