
Ukraine and the EU agreed on security guarantees agreement 06/19/2024 17:21:39. Total views 228. Views today — 0.

Ukraine and the European Union have officially agreed on the text of a security guarantees agreement, which is set to be signed soon, as reported by the Office of the President of Ukraine.

Deputy Head of the Office of the President, Ihor Zhovkva, held the final round of negotiations on the security agreement with Charles Fries, Deputy Secretary-General for Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) and Crisis Response at the European External Action Service.

The negotiation teams from Ukraine and the EU have finalized the text of the agreement and have agreed to sign it in the near future.

This agreement with the EU will be concluded in line with the joint declaration supporting Ukraine, which the European Union, along with the G7 countries, approved in Vilnius on July 12, 2023.

It was previously reported that President Zelensky met with Kamala Harris in Switzerland and stated that the security agreement with the US is already being implemented.