
44% of Ukrainians believe it's time for negotiations with russia – survey 07/15/2024 14:08:04. Total views 219. Views today — 0.

44% of Ukrainians believe that the time has come for negotiations with russia. This is indicated by the results of a sociological study conducted by the Razumkov Center on behalf of ZN.UA.

As part of the survey, Ukrainians were asked: "Do you think it is time to start official peace negotiations between Ukraine and russia?" 44% of respondents answered affirmatively. However, 35% believe that the time for negotiations has not yet come. Additionally, 21% of people are still undecided on this issue.

"It is very important to consider the regional aspect here, as clear trends emerge from this first question and persist throughout the entire study", - the ZN.UA report states.

Thus, 49% of residents of central Ukraine would welcome information about the start of official negotiations with russia. It is also not surprising that the lowest percentage of those ready for negotiations is in western Ukraine, at 35%. This is noteworthy because residents of western Ukraine show a significant duality, with high expectations for the outcome of the war on one hand and their role in realizing these expectations on the other.

Regarding the east, which is daily attacked by russian bombs, only 33% of residents there are ready for negotiations. 34% of eastern Ukrainians are against negotiations, and 32% are undecided.

Another telling figure comes from southern Ukraine, which also reflects a trend. Specifically, 60% of southern residents believe that the time for official negotiations with russia has come, which is almost 16% higher than the national average.

The survey was conducted from June 20 to 28, 2024. A total of 2,007 respondents aged 18 and over were interviewed. The theoretical margin of error does not exceed 2.3%.