
Zelensky announced that a complete plan for the second Peace Summit should be ready by November 07/15/2024 16:32:46. Total views 206. Views today — 0.

After preparing plans for energy and food security, prisoner exchanges, and the return of Ukrainian children, the plan for implementing all necessary points for the second Peace Summit will be ready in November. This was announced by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at a briefing, reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

"At the end of July - early August, there will be the first meeting at the level of the NSA (U.S. National Security Agency - Interfax-Ukraine), involving ministers and security advisors, as we promised following our Peace Summit. The first meeting will most likely be in Qatar. This will focus on energy security, and a complete plan for energy security will be fully prepared there", - Zelensky said.