
In the russian Volgograd oblast, an "SMO hero" shot at a group of teenagers, injuring one of them 07/16/2024 10:56:55. Total views 239. Views today — 0.

In the Volgograd oblast of russia, a "speacial military operation hero" shot at a group of teenagers, injuring one of them. This was reported by local media.

It is noted that a group of children aged 9 to 13 was walking around with a music speaker turned on. Disturbed by the noise, some adults came out of one of the houses, and one of them began shooting at the teenagers with a gun.

As a result, a 12-year-old boy was shot in the leg and taken to the hospital.

The boy's relatives said that the police arrived an hour after the call and were initially afraid to enter the shooter's house because he might open fire. Eventually, the man was detained, and the collected materials were handed over to the military prosecutor's office since he is a serviceman involved in the "SMO".

The shooter was on medical leave due to an injury.

The military investigative department and the military prosecutor's office of the Volgograd garrison did not officially confirm the detention of an "SMO" participant on suspicion of shooting at children.