
60% of the "DNR’s" operational coal mining enterprises are controlled by russian "investors". The rest are next in line 07/17/2024 09:41:22. Total views 338. Views today — 0.

Sixty percent of the operational coal mining enterprises in the occupied part of the Donetsk oblast are "under the care" of russian investors. This was reported by Sergei Mikhalev, a "deputy of the people's council of the DNR", to local journalists.

"Our coal industry is developing. Investors have already taken 60% of the working mines in the DNR under their care, and employees are starting to receive wages. From August 1, other investors promise to take over additional mines", - he noted.

The occupation authorities of the "DNR/LNR" interpret the term "investor" in their own way, understanding it to mean a new owner to whom stolen Ukrainian enterprises are practically given away for free to "manage" or "lease".

As previously reported, in what was once a mining region, only 16 mines of all forms of ownership are currently extracting coal. Seventy-two coal mining enterprises are maintained in a life-support mode to ensure hydrogeological safety.