
The Commander of the National Guard believes that russian troops will switch to a defensive stance in a month or a month and a half 07/25/2024 12:07:06. Total views 348. Views today — 0.

Oleksandr Pivnenko, Commander of the National Guard of Ukraine, stated that in a month or a month and a half, russian troops will no longer be able to conduct active assaults on multiple fronts simultaneously and will switch to defense. Pivnenko made this statement in an interview with Ukrinform, published on July 25.

"It's tough. However, the enemy's offensive capabilities are not limitless, and the losses they will sustain... I think in a month or a month and a half, they won't be able to conduct active assaults on multiple fronts simultaneously and will switch to defense in any case. During this time, we need to form our units and prepare", - said Pivnenko in response to a question about his assessment of the situation at the front.

The Commander of the National Guard also mentioned that the guardsmen are currently working on creating reserves and training.

"Our task as military personnel is to have combat-ready units and brigades capable of effectively carrying out tasks at the front and defending our state", - said Pivnenko.

Earlier reports indicated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces are conducting counterattacks on certain sections of the front.