
The "DNR" claimed that the water supply schedule has not been tightened — the lack of water is due to power outages 07/26/2024 09:44:01. Total views 412. Views today — 0.

The "DNR" denied reports of a stricter water supply schedule. Their version of the water shortage was explained by the press service of the "Ministry of Construction of the Republic".

It stated that "several Telegram channels published an allegedly new 'stricter' water supply schedule in Donetsk — once every two days".

In response to these reports, the "ministry" stated that theoretically, "water is supplied according to the previous schedule".

However, the occupation authorities acknowledged that the schedules have not been followed recently. They referred to the lack of water even by the hour as "interruptions". "Interruptions in water supply are due to unstable power supply, which causes the shutdown of the enterprise's facilities", — the "ministry" said in a statement.