
Russian schoolchildren will be trained in "heroism" and "self-Sacrifice" from an early age 08/21/2024 14:05:14. Total views 257. Views today — 0.

Russian schoolchildren will be prepared for "heroism" and "self-sacrifice" from the early grades. This was reported by "Verstka", which reviewed the guidelines from the "Institute for Education Development Strategy".

Elementary school teachers are reminded that the priority is not the study of subjects, but the formation of a foundation for personal development. Specifically, students should develop "civic-patriotic" feelings and "spiritual-moral values" at a basic level, including "pride in the greatness of their country" and "the heroic pages of its history".

"It will be mandatory in these lessons to introduce young students to concepts that characterize moral qualities and human feelings: 'patriotism', 'justice', 'heroism', and 'self-sacrifice'", - the guidelines state.