
Overwhelming majority of Ukrainians believe in Ukraine's victory in the war – survey 10/16/2024 17:00:12. Total views 90. Views today — 4.

The majority of Ukrainians (83%) believe in Ukraine's victory in the war, while 11% do not. This is according to the results of a social survey conducted by the Razumkov Center from September 20 to 26, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

It is reported that 72% of residents in the southern part of the country believe in victory, along with 75% of residents in the east, 87% in the west, and 88% in central Ukraine. The lowest level of disbelief in victory is found in central Ukraine (7%), while the highest is in the south (21%).

Regarding the timing of victory, among the respondents who believe in it, 39% believe it will come in one to two years, 19.5% think it will happen by the end of this year, 15% expect it to take three to five years, 5% predict it will take more than five years, and 2% think victory will happen but "hardly within their lifetime".

The most optimistic expectations for victory were in February-March 2023 when 50% believed that victory would come by the end of the year.

Among those who believe in victory, 38% think that it will be defined as the expulsion of russian troops from all of Ukraine and the restoration of borders as they were in January 2014. Another 17.5% would consider victory to be the destruction of the russian army and support for an uprising or collapse within russia. 17% believe victory will be restoring the status quo as of February 23, 2022, 7.5% view victory as the expulsion of russian troops from all of Ukraine except for occupied Crimea, and 8% think that stopping the war would be considered victory, even if the russian army remains in the territories captured as a result of the full-scale invasion (after February 24, 2022).

A total of 2,016 respondents aged 18 and older were surveyed. The theoretical margin of error does not exceed 2.3%.