
Occupiers "nationalized" 80% of "unclaimed" real estate in Luhansk 11/29/2024 17:51:27. Total views 119. Views today — 3.

The occupation authorities in Luhansk have "nationalized" 80% of "unclaimed" real estate in the captured regional center. This was reported by the occupation "administration" of the city and the publication Tribun on November 29.

“About 80% of ‘non-residential’ properties have been classified as ‘municipal’ property of Luhansk”, - the occupiers' statement reads.

The publication notes that the process of so-called "nationalization" continues in the occupied territory of the Luhansk oblast. In towns and villages, housing and other real estate belonging to Ukrainians who have left are being identified. Subsequently, the occupation "administrations" publish lists of the "unclaimed" properties on their websites and demand that owners appear in person at a "reception office" within 30 days.

According to Violetta Artemchuk, coordinator of the human rights organization Donbas SOS, most inquiries to the organization now concern whether it is possible to arrange a power of attorney or a property transfer agreement for relatives on the occupied territory. However, the coordinator notes that the pseudo-authorities require personal presence and registration of the property under russian law.

“If in May-June people were asking how to protect their property from ‘nationalization’, - now they’re asking about possible solutions”, - Artemchuk remarked.