Occupiers in the Luhansk oblast are attempting to legalize the so-called "nationalization" of apartments and houses abandoned since 2014. This was reported on Telegram on December 16 by the head of the Luhansk Oblast Military Administration, Artem Lysohor.
“In the so-called ‘LNR’, efforts continue to find ways to legalize the seizure of real estate belonging to residents who evacuated. Recently, they adopted a ‘law’ regulating the ‘specifics of identifying, using, and recognizing municipal ownership rights of municipal entities of the "LNR" over residential premises deemed ownerless’. Through this document, they aim to legalize the so-called ‘nationalization’ of apartments and houses left behind since 2014. The occupiers propose determining the absence of owners in collaboration with Rosreestr, Roskadastr, and utility companies”, - Lysohor explained.
“The seized properties will be allocated to new residents for temporary or permanent use. As for the rightful owners of the property, the occupiers suggest they immediately turn to russian courts”, - added the head of the OMA.
It was reported earlier that nearly 2,000 apartment buildings in the occupied Luhansk oblast have gone without maintenance by utility services for years.