According to the Telegram channel “Radio Liberty”, citing the head of the public council at the Odesa City Military Administration, Serhii Bratchuk, and data from Ukraine’s port authorities, the russian strike was carried out on March 11 at 20:17 local time.
Several Telegram channels that published videos of the attack report that the strike was carried out with a russian Iskander-M missile equipped with a cluster warhead.
The cargo ship MJ Pinar sails under the flag of Barbados, and its operator is a Greek company, according to the specialized publication The Maritime Executive.
At the time of impact, the vessel was docked in the port of Odesa with 30,000 tons of grain on board. Among the deceased crew members were three Syrians and one Ukrainian. One more person was injured. The total crew consisted of 12 people.
In addition to the cargo ship, port infrastructure was also damaged.
On the day of the strike on Odesa, a delegation from the United Nations World Food Programme was visiting the port, The Maritime Executive notes.