
"Not enough for all." The "DPR" checks bomb shelters and re-equipp house basements into them 08/12/2016 17:37:15. Total views 985. Views today — 1.

The self-proclaimed authorities of the "DPR" decided to convert house basements and administrative buildings into bomb shelter "for safety reasons". It was stated by leader of the "DPR" militants Alexander Zakharchenko at the briefing with journalists.

"The raid around bomb shelters lasts already three days, preparing those shelters that were dilapidated for one reason or another. Today seventy percent of bomb shelters are ready," - said the leader of the "DPR".

However, he admitted that there weren’t enough bomb shelters for all the residents of occupied Donetsk.

"The decision was made to equip house basements and administrative buildings into bomb shelters administrative. There will be about 150-170 additional bomb shelters," - he said.

As previously reported, according to the Main Intelligence Directorate, "DPR" militants are preparing provocations with the aim to accuse ATO forces of disrupting the Minsk agreements.