
The Government's plan for the occupied Donbass is aimed at freezing the conflict on the pattern of Pridnestrovie – the expert 01/19/2017 17:29:11. Total views 982. Views today — 0.

Pridnestrovsky scenario of the conflict freeze today is at the back of the positive, present in the Governmental Plan of events according to the occupied Donbass. This opinion was expressed by the political expert, the president of Research Center of Donbass Social Perspectives Serhiy Garmash in his blog on OstroV.

According to him, "the Plan of events aimed at implementing the basic principles of the state internal policy regarding certain districts of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, where the public authorities are temporarily not exercise their powers", involves conservation of the conflict in Pridnestrovsky variant.

Firstly, the plan calls for the "improvement of procedures... of the movement of cargo (goods) through the line of demarcation". That is - the increase of goods turnover between the controlled territory and CDDLO. Accordingly, it means strengthening the economy of "republics", - the expert gives reasons for his point of view.

Moreover, Garmash notes that the governmental document calls for the "development and provision of proposals on amendments to the legislation on the regulation of the economic activity         peculiarities in the uncontrolled territories to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine" and "simplification of the tax and accounting reports" of the taxpayers whose manufacturing units are located in the uncontrolled territory.

"In other words, they anyway carry the salary there in cash, the taxes for the "republics", and according to the separatist leaders, and logically - they pay, and the reporting is going to be simplified for them... This is not the ATO, but artificially created tax hole", - the author speaks ironically.

Plan items that officers of the "controlled objects placed on the uncontrolled territories... of all forms of ownership" should be regularly provided with salary coming from Ukraine that is free of militants puzzles the expert.

"What do you mean - "controlled objects in the uncontrolled territory"? "What are the guarantees that they are not controlled by those who control the territory?", - Serhiy Garmash asks rhetorically.

He noted that, on the other hand, the Plan has a lot of positive moments, aimed at ordinary people caught in a hostage in the occupied territory. This is also a possibility of the distance learning in the Ukrainian educational institutions, and "the creation of favorable conditions for the provision of administrative services to citizens...", and the optimization to cross the line of demarcation for the citizens.

However, the expert believes that the "global goal is clearly observed behind the words for helping people – to help the business that makes money on the people's grief and makes cheaper for Moscow its Donbass adventure".

Moreover, the authors of the Plan, according to S. Garmash, did not consider the fact that "even recognized the conflict internal de facto, Ukraine will not get rid of the influence of Russia on it".

The Kremlin is quite happy that Ukraine, as envisaged by the Plan approved by the Ukrainian government, will help the economy of the "DPR-LPR" and solve socio-economic problems of the "authorities" of the puppet "republics", - he concluded.