
The U.S. Department of State corrected Volker: providing lethal aid to Ukraine is not being considered 07/26/2017 12:38:24. Total views 926. Views today — 2.

The U.S. Department of State says the issue of potential provision of lethal defensive weapons to Ukraine is on today’s agenda but Washington does not rule out that the situation will change, according to Heather Nauert, the Department’s spokesperson, - Yevropeiska Pravda reports.

“Sometimes the headline writers – you all would know this – will get ahead of the story. There was a headline that implied that we were in the process of [setting a timeframe to make a decision to provide lethal aid to Ukraine – Ed.]. We are not there yet. Let me take out the word “yet”. We are not there. The United States has not provided defensive weapons nor have we ruled it out to provide to the Ukrainians”, - said Nauert.

As reported earlier, U.S. special representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker during his visit to eastern Ukraine said Washington was considering the issue of providing Ukraine with weapons to fend off pro-Russian militants in the Donbass.