
Putin gave money for the return of refugees from Donbass to their homeland. A ruble for each repatriate 08/03/2017 13:12:05. Total views 1104. Views today — 0.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin supported the program of returning refugees from Donbass back to the territory of Ukraine. This is stated in the article "The repatriation of refugees to the Donbass was supported by a presidential grant", published by the Russian Kommersant.

According to the publication, it is planned to spend 654 thousand rubles ($10800) on the program of the return of 660 thousand people who fled the war in the Donbass to Russia.

The Krasnodar organization "Center for Regional Development" won a presidential grant for the implementation of the program "The repatriation of refugees to the Donbass". The project, which will be implemented in the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, provides for assistance in the return of refugees to their homeland, including job placement counseling.

The total funding for the program is $10800, of which $7800 will be allocated within the framework of the grant. "The project will be implemented throughout the territory of the Russian Federation and the territory of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts of Ukraine (in the form of distance services), with the exception of the contact line between the belligerents", - Kommersant writes.

As it follows from the information on the website of the Presidential Grants Fund, the program "Repatriation of Refugees to Donbass" aims to provide assistance to the residents of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts affected by the conflict in Ukraine. According to NGOs, the number of Ukrainian refugees who entered Russia since 2014 as a result of the armed conflict, is 660 thousand people. More than 2 million people have left the entire Donbass region.

"Many of these refugees consider their leaving to be temporary, staying in Russia in a marginal position of discomfort and psychological stress", - the authors of the program say. In their view, most of those people are ready to return to their homeland if they are provided with work and shelter in safe areas, but the return activities are conducted in a non-productive way, resulting in social tension in places of compact settlement of refugees. The offered program of assistance to refugees consists of three stages: conducting a sociological survey among refugees, developing and publishing recommendations for repatriation and providing organizational assistance for the return of refugees to the Donbass, including assistance with employment.