
Nuland insisted on full cease-fire in Donbass. Otherwise - "frozen conflict" 01/15/2016 22:02:46. Total views 1343. Views today — 0.

Full cease-fire is the primary criterion for the start of the political process to resolve the situation in Donbass. This was stated by US Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland, - reports Interfax-Ukrainewith reference to BNS.

"Cease-fire has recently turned into a better life but it is not full yet, people are still dying, clashes are still taking place," - she said in an interview.

"Thus, the first challenge is to stop killing people, so that we can move to another part of the Minsk agreements including a political solution, real elections in accordance with the Ukrainian legislation, which meets the standards of the OSCE, withdrawal of foreign military equipment and military, regain of control over the borders," - added Assistant Secretary of State.

According V.Nuland, "we all need to work for the Minsk agreements to be implemented because otherwise we will have at least a frozen conflict or even worse - a constant danger for Ukraine and for us".

Earlier the diplomatic source informed that V.Nuland would arrive in Kaliningrad on Friday, where she will have negotiations with the Russian president's advisor Vyacheslav Surkov.

At the same time, another source informed that the parties could make recommendations for the Contact Group in Ukraine to use to force a political resolution in Donbass at the meeting in Kaliningrad.

The interlocutor of the agency said that these recommendations might relate to local elections in some regions of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.