
Several "battalions of special forces" detached from the Right Sector 01/20/2016 21:14:52. Total views 1277. Views today — 0.

Right Sector is not responsible for the battalions "of special forces Zakhid, Zakhid-2, Zakhid-3 and Zakhid-4", which are separate structures, reportedthe press service of the RS movement.

RS reminded that Right Sector Revolutionary National Liberation Movement was formed in November last year". Dmitry Yarosh was invited to lead the movement but he refused.

"He left Right Sector voluntarily and initiated the creation of a new public and political movement. A small part of the RS members and of the soldiers and commanders VUC RS went together with Dmitry Yarosh. They all are our brothers, though, they chose the other parallel way. And we respect their choice,"- said the statement.

It is emphasized that the number of battalions set up by the personal initiative of individuals, are not included in the structure of the RS.

"Another story is creating structures called "battalions of special forces Zakhid (Zakarpattia region), Zakhid-2 (Lviv region), Zakhid-3 (Ivano-Frankivsk region) and Zakhid-4 (Volyn region)", which were announced by "Combat Chesnyi". "There are also our brothers of VUC and RS, but these structures are not part of the Right Sector National Liberation Movement and were created exclusively for the own initiative of individual fighters and commanders, have their own leaders and subordination. Considering this, we declare that we are not responsibile for their actions and do not comment on them. We request the media to check and clarify information. All people have their own path. Our path is revolutionary", - reports the press-service.