"DNR" authorities seized business of stores chain and kicked the owner out of his house 12/19/2017 16:00:24. Total views 1119. Views today — 0.

The authorities of the "DNR" took away business from local entrepreneur Alexander Akhunzyanov and banned him entry to the occupied territory. This is stated in the "decree" of the leader of the "DNR" Alexander Zakharchenko on the application of personal sanctions against the owner of the chain of stores.

According to the decree, the "authorities" intend to introduce "state management over the private form of ownership of Akhunzyanov (enterprises, warehousing and trading facilities, immovable and movable property)".

He was banned from "selling, acquiring real estate and other property (including corporate rights)", located in the territory of the occupied Donetsk oblast, as well as "the implementation of banking and other financial operations of economic kind and trade operations".

In addition to the business, entrepreneur was actually deprived of residential real estate and all acquired property – the "decree" forbids Akhunzyanov entry to the territory of the "DNR". They forbade to take even currency with him.

The leader of the "DNR" did not specify what was the “guilt” of the businessman.

Alexander Ahunzyanov, a former deputy of the Dokuchaevsk City Council, founded the holding company DORS Elit+ in 1995. The company had more than 700 outlets in 155 settlements in 5 districts of the Donetsk oblast. After the occupation, some stores of the Elit + network continued to work in the "DNR". Through them, low-income segments of the population could use vouchers worth $51.