
France is not yet ready to work with Germany in the JCCC in Donbass 12/22/2017 14:59:58. Total views 957. Views today — 0.

France considers it premature to involve the representatives of Germany and France in the work of Joint Center for Coordinating the Ceasefire in Donbass. This was stated by deputy speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, - French Embassy in Ukraine website reported.

"It is premature to consider amending this joint mechanism, the goal of which is to make possible the coordinated work of Russian and Ukrainian military to cease fire and support the OSCE mission in Ukraine", - answered the Deputy Speaker of the French Foreign Ministry when asked how France assesses Ukrainian president's initiative to invite representatives of France and Germany to the JCCC.

At the same time, it is noted that France regrets the withdrawal of the Russian representatives of the Joint Center. On December 20, France appealed to the Kremlin to reconsider this decision.

"France and Germany are resolutely continuing their efforts in the Norman format for a peaceful settlement of the conflict, we welcome the decision of the tripartite contact group to restore the Christmas truce and urge all parties to strictly abide by this decision", - the statement said.

As previously reported, the Russian officers, who were part of the JCCC, left Ukraine on December 19.