
Percentage of people in free Donbass who want to live in "DPR/LPR" is zero – poll 01/28/2016 13:49:49. Total views 1395. Views today — 1.

Only 5% of population on the territory controlled by Ukraine in Donetsk and Luhansk regions are willing to join Russia and 0% of those would like to live in the so-called "LPR" or "DPR". Senior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine Iryna Bekeshkina said it in the air of Channel 5, - reports UNIAN.

"We conducted the poll on the territories under the control of Ukraine, there is dynamics. According to our last poll, there is 0% of those who believe that they neef to live in independent state "L/DPR", - she said.

Bekeshkina recalled that there were 35% of those who wanted to separate from Ukraine: 20% would like to live in an independent state, 15%to join Russia in the Luhansk and Donetsk regions a year ago.

"Now only 5% want to join Russia", - she said according to the poll.