
“The hybrid world". 60% of CDDLO residents want the return of Ukrainian authorities - Avakov 06/07/2018 12:40:35. Total views 760. Views today — 1.

The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov said that 60% of residents of certain districts of the Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts wanted Ukrainian authorities to come back. He said this in Kyiv at the IX National Expert Forum organized by the Gorshenin Institute, lb.ua reports.

"Our sociological polls show that about 60% of people in the occupied territory are ready and want to return to normal peaceful life in Ukraine, 20% are afraid of the transition period and another 20% want to go to Russia. These are actually very good preconditions", - the minister said.

At the same time, he acknowledged that even after de-occupation, there would remain a large number of haters of Ukraine and collaborators in CDDLO, who will try to harm the state in every possible way.

"Therefore, we should be prepared for this, including within the framework – today I pronounce this word for the first time - the hybrid world", - the minister said.

Avakov believes that due to this, Ukraine has to adopt laws on amnesty and on collaborators.