Russian mercenaries fighting in Donbas must be judged for taking part in the fighting on the territory of another state. Member of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation Sergey Krivenko said that in the commentary to pro-Kremlin
"There is an article on mercenary, it was written just for those people who are fighting in a foreign country, but they are just criminals. Even military of the Ministry of Defense", who died in Ukraine, don’t have status of "participant in military operations, it is written in the documents that they "died on duty" as if they, for example, were blown up in time of peace on the proving ground," - he said.
At the same time, Krivenko did not exclude that eventually the state would support volunteers and recognize as it was was with combatants in Angola, Ethiopia, and others. But first, he said, so amnesty has to be declared to mercenaries and then they need to figure out how to do everything legally.