
Ukraine condemns visit of Czech deputies to annexed Crimea 07/30/2018 13:24:04. Total views 1144. Views today — 0.

The Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic condemns the illegal visit of two Czech deputies to the occupied Crimea. This was reported by the press service of the Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic.

"We express our strong protest over the illegal visit of Jaromír Kohlíček, a member of the European Parliament from the Czech Republic, and Jaroslav Doubrava, a senator of the parliament of the Czech Republic, to the Russian-occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The issue concerns another violation of Ukrainian legislation by the said politicians who, despite repeated warnings, continue to blatantly ignore not only Ukrainian laws, but also international law", - the statement said.

The diplomatic mission recalls resolution No. 68/262 of March 27, 2014, in which the UN General Assembly, an organization recognized even by Czech communists, affirmed the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and urged the member countries to refrain from actions that could be interpreted as recognition of the change in status of the Ukrainian Crimea.