
Relying on the "CEC of the DNR", the voters uninterruptedly "voted" every 12 seconds 11/12/2018 12:45:13. Total views 1233. Views today — 1.

A crude falsification of the voter turnout indicators for the fake election in the "DNR" was proved by the users of social networks, having compared the freely available data about the allegedly "unprecedented activity of the republic's residents".

So, according to the fake "CEC", the "election" was attended by 1 million 600 thousand people. They allegedly "voted at 408 polling stations. It turns out that on the average, each polling station served 1600000 : 408 = 3921 "voters".

Taking into account the fact that "voting" lasted 12 hours, 3921: 12 = 327 people were to vote per hour. Thus, according to the data of the theatrical "CEC", it takes 12 seconds for one voter - from the moment his name is found in the list to the receipt of a ballot. And this is on the condition that members of the "election commissions" will work without interruption for the entire 12 hours.