Occupation authorities of the "DNR" intimidate the population with yet another "threat" of the offensive of the AFU, this time in the south direction. The newsmaker of this fake, as always, was the one who calls himself "deputy head of the people's militia department of the DNR" (self-appointed illegal armed formations – OstroV) Eduard Basurin.
According to him, the "offensive" is planned for December and its goal is supposedly to be a breakthrough in the area of Novoazovsk with access to the border of the occupied territories with the Russian Federation.
The militant traditionally refers to the mythical "intelligence data", calls the names and numbers of the JFO, which, according to him, will be thrown into battle.
Previously, Basurin repeatedly made loud statements about the alleged offensive of the AFU. In particular, he insisted that Ukraine would launch a large-scale offensive on September 14. According to OstroV, because of this, many pensioners living in the occupied territory have postponed their trips beyond the contact line for identification in the Security Council and Oschadbank. After the offensive predictably did not start, the "DNR" propagandist boasted that it was he who revealed and upset the plans of the JFO with his statement.