
Poroshenko promises not to let the "fifth column" resurrect the "biting-the-dust Novorossia project" 02/15/2016 18:24:05. Total views 651. Views today — 1.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko said that he would not allow the "fifth column" of Russians to split Ukraine and try to repeat the "Novorossia project". He stated this today at the solemn meeting in the Central Officers’s Club of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the occasion of honouring the combatants fighting on the territory of other states and the 27th anniversary of withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan, - reports UNIAN.

"We will not allow the "fifth column" of Russians to split Ukraine. We will not allow to repeat the "biting-the-dust Novorossia project". Ukraine is a strong, unified state that can defend itself and is capable to move to Europe,"- said Poroshenko.