
Number of IFPs who are not going to return to their former places of residence increased by 10% 09/11/2019 13:47:48. Total views 934. Views today — 0.

The number of internally displaced persons who are willing to stay in new communities has increased by 10% over the year. This was stated at the presentation of survey of internally displaced persons (IDPs) on their participation in elections and political preferences in Kyiv today by senior coordinator of the IFES projects in Ukraine Nadia Pashkova.

“Now 27% of IDPs agree to stay in that community, and 15% are more likely to agree. That is, we can say that 43% of IDPs are already satisfied with their life, which they built in the new community, they have already integrated. This indicator has changed, increased by 10% in a year", - she noted.

Also, according to the survey, the indicator of those who want to return back decreased by 5%. So, only 18% of IDPs agree that if the situation improves and there are conditions for a safe return, they will return. 6% are still considering the possibility of moving, but to the territory controlled by Ukraine.

The national survey of internally displaced persons is aimed at studying their level of knowledge and attitudes towards the political and electoral process and participation in elections in Ukraine. This survey reflects a change in the political views and attitudes of internally displaced persons from December 2018, when a similar survey was conducted.

The survey was conducted in February-March 2019. 2063 IDPs were interviewed.

The presentation is held by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) and Group of Influence Public Holding with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development, the Department of Foreign Affairs of Canada and British assistance from the UK government.